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A Guide to Fertilizing Blueberries

After reading this paper you will have a more complete understanding of blueberry nutrition. This paper is a summary of several sources of university publications that will give the reader the necessary information on fertilization of blueberries. Blueberries are like any other living thing that requires different nutrients in different ratios depending on the soil type, native material, and other amendments that may be distributed around them. Blueberries are unique to the point that they are grown in acidic soils which changes the soil chemistry enough that they need special management practices.

The paper discusses the importance of soil pH, nitrogen requirements, as well as phosphorus and potassium fertility of blueberries. And it does not end here; the paper goes into the secondary nutrients of calcium, magnesium and sulfur and their usage as well as application recommendations. From here the grower can also fine tune their fertility program further by looking at boron, zinc, manganese, copper and iron requirements of blueberries.

Copper and Manganese Soil Test Results

Soil analysis is used to express the approximate availability of nutrient to plants. There is no soil extractant used that will indicate the exact amount of that nutrient which will be available during the growing season. Soil chemistry is too dynamic and complex to interpret such results. That is why universities, consultants and laboratories have done research on the addition of fertilizer based on soil analysis results. At Spectrum Analytic, Mehlich 3 is the primary extractant in use. There are other extractants that we can perform upon request for additional fees.

Major nutrients have been researched for many years and since they are required in large amounts by plants for optimal growth there is a lot of data available. Interactions have been studied, but for the most part the major and secondary nutrients are pretty straight forward when it comes to soil test results and recommendations. Nitrogen is an exception to this rule; we will not discuss it within this paper. We know that as soil pH drops and becomes more acidic the phosphorous in the soil becomes less available due to tie up. In our recommendation system we compensate for this by recommending a higher level of phosphorous in the soil when compared to a phosphorus level in a more neutral soil pH. This additional phosphorus helps overcome the tie up making more available for the plant. This additional phosphorus has been demonstrated with higher P levels in the plant analysis.

Early agronomists at our lab looked at thousands of plant analysis along with soil analyses in the early years and noticed patterns with copper and manganese. They saw how organic matter, soil pH, and soil test levels of certain nutrients influenced the availability of these elements to the plants. Equations were developed to take Mehlich 3 soil test results and provide our clientele with a better recommendation for the addition of these micronutrients. In the early days these numbers were expressed on the soil test report as an “index”. This worked well for many years, however with the nutrient management plans that are developed the use of these index number had to be abandoned. More standardization is being required for these plans, to make them easier to write and less confusing to the reviewers. To compensate for this and try to make it easier for people we tried to unindex our equations to the different status levels on our reports, in doing this some of the ranges would start at 1 ppm as being in the good range. And we know that this is not a true representation. We therefore decided to abandon the numeric optimal range on the soil test report in the status range. The graph on your report as well as the letter designation (L, M, G, H, VH) are put through the index equation in order to make a better approximate copper and manganese availability number.

The equation for copper contains soil pH and soil phosphorus level. The manganese equation contains organic matter and soil pH as part of the components. If you would like to discuss the full equations please contact one of the agronomists at the lab and we will be happy to talk with you on a one to one basis.

Excess Nitrates in Drought Stressed Corn

With mother nature's constantly changing weather patterns in different areas of the country there comes concern during dry years of the build up of nitrate levels in plants (particularly in corn silage) and the effects that it can have on livestock when used as feed. This paper was written to help the reader become more aware of the different guidelines and university recommendations as well as university interpretations as far as how to handle the nitrates levels in corn silage. At Spectrum Analytic, we are not livestock nutritionists nor are we feed specialists, however we do have the capability to test for nutrients levels in feeds, forages and other plants. And in this process we are sometimes asked to help with interpretations of the results, and that is the purpose of this paper, to give the reader some basic knowledge about nitrate levels in drought stressed corn and some precautions to follow.

Excess Nitrates in Drought Stressed Corn

start.txt · Last modified: 2010/01/05 10:37 (external edit)